Swapping Webinars for Winter Sun: A Scottish Adventure

It’s great to get in front of ‘real’ people at an in-person event and have discussions that may not be as easy to have online during say a webinar of over 100 attendees.
Three polaroid photos in the centre stacked on top of each other. The front photo says Glasgow at the bottom and is a photo of a river view. The middle photo says Dundee at the bottom and shows a statue with the river Tay in the background and the back photo shows the eQS stand at AT Brunch.

You may have seen me host one of the eQS Disability Support monthly webinars (usually with one of my cats asleep on my lap out of shot). However, in February I put away the laptop webcam as events season well and truly started. I hit the road (or train tracks) and travelled to Dundee and Glasgow, where I flew the eQS Disability Support flag at the TechEdolgy AT Brunch events.

As an honorary Geordie I’m pretty used to cold temperatures (if we hit 20c on a summer’s day it’s classed as tropical). However, last year when I was at Dundee for the AT Brunch event it was one of the coldest experiences of my life. I feel a chill now just thinking about it. So, after packing enough layers for an Artic expedition it was off to Dundee I went, where… I was greeted by glorious sunshine. My woolly hat didn’t make it out the bag in either Dundee or Glasgow. Below is a ‘behind the scenes’ video of my travels, whereby you too can experience all the stunning sunshine soaked views of Scotland.

It’s great to get in front of ‘real’ people at an in-person event and have discussions that may not be as easy to have online during say a webinar of over 100 attendees. With said webinar though there is a lot less preparation involved beforehand, for example there’s no travel time to consider. I truly believe we’re in a world where online and in-person events can sit side by side. They both bring different things to the table for both exhibitors and attendees. One things for sure, I think we know which one my cat prefers.

A headshot of Richard. He has short dark brown hair which it swept across to the left. He is smiling and wearing a pink, white and grey striped t-shirt.

This news article was written by Richard Keeling, eQS Group Marketing Manager.  

Richard is responsible for leading the development of marketing and communications content, internally and externally across our group of companies, including the management of marketing and communications campaigns, webinars and events.

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