Join us online to hear directly from the AT suppliers on how they recommend assessors demonstrate their products in a remote assessment environment.

Throughout April and May we are running an online CPD programme for needs assessors, all about how to best manage remote working, how to assess remotely and specialist advice on demonstrating Assistive Technology to students remotely.

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Keynote Address

Our keynote online address will be delivered by SkyBounders, mental health and wellbeing specialists, discussing maintain positive mental health during isolation and remote working.

<icon for specialist advice>

Specialist Advice in Remote Assessments

<icon for demos>

Software Demonstrations in Remote Assessments

Social Interaction

During this time of uncertainty and remote working, we have also allowed for time for general discussion for any attendees who wish to engage.

Book your free place

We have eight dates for you to pick and choose from – book your choice of morning and afternoon sessions.

<insert booking table with dates and links to book sessions>


All attendees will receive:

Coming in July 2020:

The CPD Revolution Live Event Series – Eight UK Locations

Save the Date

Following Government advice to avoid all non-essential social contact, we have moved the face-to-face CPD Revolution events to a later date.

Anyone already registered for the CPD Revolution will be automatically registered for the July events, please save the relevant date.

If you haven’t registered but would like to – please follow the links below:

Wednesday 8th July – London

Thursday 9th July – Leicester

Tuesday 14th July – Cardiff

Wednesday 15th July – Manchester

Thursday 16th July – Newcastle upon Tyne

Tuesday 21st July – Glasgow

Thursday 23rd July – Belfast

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eQS Disability Support
CPD Schedule

For any bespoke enquiries…

Please get in touch directly.
We would be happy to discuss your needs.

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Learning Labs,
an eQuality Solutions company.

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eQuality Learning (eQL),
an eQuality Solutions company.

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an eQuality Solutions company.

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Invate on behalf of Capita,
an eQuality Solutions company.

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EW Group,
an eQuality Solutions company.

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The Educational Guidance Service,
an eQuality Solutions company.