Unity Matters

Together against harm, united for change.

At eQuality Solutions Group (eQS), we stand united in our commitment to fostering a culture of inclusion, respect,
and dignity. We believe that every individual has the right to learn, work, and live in an environment free from bullying, harassment, hate, and misconduct of any kind. If you see it, report it. If you need support, reach out. Together, we make respect a reality.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened.

Support Information

Bullying and

What does it mean?

What support is available?

Sexual Harassment and Misconduct

What does it mean?

What support is available?

eQS Group Policies

Overview: eQS policies, procedures and guidance

Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying Policy

Disciplinary Procedure

Sexual Harassment Policy

Code of Conduct

Work Related Social Events Policy

Inappropriate Behaviour Policy

Policy and procedure on Personal Relationships at Work

Health and Wellbeing Policy

Contractors and Workers Personal and Professional Boundaries

Lone Working Policy

Safeguarding Policy

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eQS Disability Support
CPD Schedule

For any bespoke enquiries…

Please get in touch directly.
We would be happy to discuss your needs.

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Learning Labs,
an eQuality Solutions company.

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eQuality Learning (eQL),
an eQuality Solutions company.

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an eQuality Solutions company.

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Invate on behalf of Capita,
an eQuality Solutions company.

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EW Group,
an eQuality Solutions company.

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The Educational Guidance Service,
an eQuality Solutions company.