

Understanding neurodiversity in the workplace

At the forefront of mental wellbeing and equality, diversity and inclusion solutions, Hebburn-headquartered ed-tech specialist eQuality Solutions Group (eQS) is working to drive positive change in the North East business community. Here, chief executive Andy Gough reflects on how business leaders can enable neurodiverse inclusivity and provide awareness training for all staff to help them understand the needs of their neurodivergent colleagues

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How the eQS team is exploring nature during Mental Health Awareness Week

This week marks the 21st Mental Health Awareness Week which aims to help start conversations around, and raise awareness of, mental health. Mental health is a topic that, as a company, eQS feels very strongly about. Even once lockdowns and Covid-19 are a thing of the past people’s mental health concerns are not going to suddenly disappear. There always have, and always will be, mental health concerns that need discussing/supporting. You can read our CEO Andy Gough’s recent article for the North East Times on supporting staff mental wellbeing post-COVID here. Andy’s reflection on this lead to the development of eQS’ new mental wellbeing strategy for staff.

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Improving mental wellbeing and inclusivity in the workplace

At the fore front of the UK’s mental wellbeing and ED&I solutions, the Hebburn headquartered ed-tech specialist eQuality Solutions Group (eQS) is all for driving positive change in the North East business community. eQS CEO Andy Gough will be sharing a series of monthly articles on the topic of mental wellbeing and inclusivity for the workplace.

This month, as we look towards the end of lockdown restrictions, Andy reflects on how he and other employers can take a proactive role in supporting staff mental wellbeing in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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The Educational Guidance Service
an eQuality Solutions company